Clearspring - Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks, 500g

Clearspring - Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks, 500g

Brand - Clearspring
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Quick Description

Clearspring Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks are versatile, delicious, and ready to eat. Free of additives, packed with nutrients, and a source of fibre & protein.

Key Information 

  • From Sri Lanka
  • Source of fibre and protein
  • Sugar-Free & Fat-Free
  • Non-GMO & Gluten-free
  • Organic natural ingredients

Product Overview

Jackfruit is a versatile plant with a great taste both raw and when cooked. Try Clearspring Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks and enjoy a hearty meal that’s also good for you!

Clearspring Jackfruit Chunks use only organically grown ingredients, water and sea salt. Sourced from Sri Lanka, Clearspring Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks is a versatile product with a satisfying, meaty texture. With a mild taste, it’s ready to absorb any seasoning that is paired with it. 

Clearspring Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks are 100% vegan and free of gluten, sugar and fat, making them a great healthy add-on to your meal options. Try with Teriyaki Sauce or cook with fragrant spices to create a Jackfruit curry. Clearspring Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks are a source of fibre & protein proudly packed in a recyclable glass jar instead of a tin. 


Young Jackfruit*, Water, Sea Salt, Lime Juice*

*Organically Grown

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of eating jackfruit?

Apart from being simply delicious and easy to cook, jackfruit is also good for you. A cup of Clearspring Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks contains around 157 calories, 1 gram of fat, 38 grams of carbohydrates, 2.8 grams of protein (very high compared to other fruits), and 2.5 grams of fibre. 

Clearspring Organic Young Jackfruit Chunks are a good source of fibre which can help you feel fuller for longer.