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7 Konserven- und Gläser-Lebensmittel, die ein Veganer in seinem veganen Vorratsschrank haben sollte…

Es gibt so viele konservierte und in Gläsern verpackte vegane Lebensmittel, die wir alle kennen und lieben. Hier sind 7 unserer Lieblingsessentials…

  • Gehackte Tomaten: ein tägliches Muss zum Zubereiten von tomatenbasierten Saucen und Currys. Diese Biona Bio-Gehackten Tomaten sind ein klassisches Beispiel für ein wichtiges organisches Konservenlebensmittel.
  • Bohnen: von schwarzen Bohnen bis Edamame, diese gesunden Hülsenfrüchte sind immer bereit, deine Lieblings-Chilis und Eintöpfe zu ergänzen. Probiere die Amaizin Kidneybohnen in Chilisauce für eine zusätzliche feurige Note.
  • Kokosmilch: es gibt nichts wie ein Schuss Kokosmilch, um ein köstliches Curry aufzuwerten oder einen veganen Pina Colada zu mixen! Die Puro Bio-Kokosmilch ist eine perfekte Wahl für deine pflanzlichen Konservenlebensmittel-Bedürfnisse!
  • Kichererbsen: ein beliebter Mittelmeerklassiker, der perfekt ist für Tagines oder zur Herstellung von hausgemachtem Hummus. Die Biona Bio-Kichererbsen sind ein einfaches organisches
  • Jackfrucht: ein veganer Held, der das Geheimnis für köstliche Tacos, Kebabs und Wraps ist. Probiere die Nature’s Charm Junge Grüne Jackfrucht und entdecke selbst die Aufregung, die die Welt der veganen Konservenlebensmittel zu bieten hat!
  • Mais: dieses legendäre eingelegte Gemüse ist eine unverzichtbare Ergänzung für Pizzen, Pastagerichte und Salate. Warum nicht Natural Cools Bio-Mais ausprobieren?
  • Pesto: ein unverzichtbarer Helfer für die Zubereitung eines leckeren Nudelgerichts in wenigen Minuten - wir empfehlen das Le Conserve Della Nonna Grünes Pesto für herzhafte italienische Aromen aus dem Glas.
Vegan Canned and Jarred Foods FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Can vegans eat canned and jarred foods?

Our favourite thing about canned and jarred foods? The vast majority of them are vegan. Yes that’s right, while obviously canned and jarred meats or dairy products are not vegan, a lot of the canned and jarred items we all use every day, like tinned tomatoes, beans, and fruit and vegetables are all completely vegan and vegans can eat almost all of them. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check the label before you buy and use your common sense. While tinned beans will always be vegan, other items such as pesto may contain non-vegan ingredients. So, if an item isn’t clearly vegan before you buy it, check the small print to make sure before you buy it!

How long does vegan canned and jarred food last?

Vegan canned and jarred food can last from around 1 to 5 years. This time will vary from product to product, so you should always check the expiration date when you buy each vegan canned food item. It’s also always a good idea to go through your vegan food pantry every few months to make sure an old plant-based can or jar hasn’t got lost at the back!

Once opened, canned foods will have to be consumed more quickly, so make sure you pay attention to both expiration dates on your food items.

However, in general, these long expiration dates are really convenient, as they allow you to stock up on all of your favourite vegan canned meal items and use them whenever you want, without time pressure.

How should I store canned foods?

Vegan canned and jarred food should be stored in a clean and dry place that is cool and dark. Basically, any normal kitchen cupboard will do!

Once you open your vegan canned foods, they should be kept in the fridge. A jarred product can be left in the jar, but make sure you decant what’s left in an opened can into a different container - this will ensure that it stays as fresh and tasty as possible for the longest.

Is canned food nutritious?

Plant-based canned and jarred foods are often considered less nutritious than fresher alternatives, however, this is not always the case. In fact, some studies suggest canning foods actually preserves the nutrients within them.

To see how nutritious your vegan canned foods are, the best thing to do is check the labels and avoid items that have any nasty ingredients added in. For example, some jarred tomato sauces contain lots of additives, but our Biona Organic Passata is made entirely from organic sieved tomatoes - nothing to sniff at there!

Additionally, organic canned foods also make nutritious items like pulses easily accessible and convenient to add to your diet. Beans and chickpeas are essential sources of protein for vegans, and their canned form means they are super easy to add to your everyday meals. That’s why we LOVE plant-based canned foods!

So, what are you waiting for? Buy canned foods now!

Do vegan canned foods contain preservatives?

While people may assume that because canned foods last such a long time they must contain preservatives, actually this is often not the case. In fact, most commonly, the act of canning alone works to keep foods and meals preserved, without needing to add anything extra. This means that vegan canned foods actually rarely contain preservatives and gives us one more reason to keep stocking up our cupboards with them!