Mistrys - Calendula Powder, 150g

Mistrys - Calendula Powder, 150g

Brand - Mistrys
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Quick Description

Mistrys Calendula Powder is Pure and natural calendula powder for skincare and herbal remedies.

Key Information

  • Suitable for various herbal remedies.
  • Can be used in DIY skincare formulations.
  • Known for its soothing and healing properties.
  • Free from artificial additives or preservatives.
  • Made from pure calendula flowers.
  • Ideal for those seeking natural alternatives for skincare needs.

Product Overview

Mistrys - Calendula Powder offers a natural solution for skincare and herbal remedies. Made from pure calendula flowers, this powder is renowned for its soothing and healing properties. Calendula, also known as marigold, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

This versatile powder can be used in various DIY skincare formulations such as creams, lotions, or facial masks, providing gentle care for sensitive or irritated skin. Additionally, it can be incorporated into herbal remedies for conditions like minor cuts, bruises, or skin inflammations.

Free from artificial additives or preservatives, Mistrys' Calendula Powder ensures purity and quality. Whether you're looking to enhance your skincare routine with natural ingredients or seeking herbal remedies for minor skin ailments, this calendula powder provides a gentle and effective solution.

For those who prefer natural alternatives for their skincare needs, Mistrys' Calendula Powder is a reliable choice, offering the benefits of this time-tested botanical in a convenient and accessible form.


Potenised® Calendula extract (Calendula officinalis) and Sterilised Talc.